Thursday, April 8, 2010

Gratitude or Doubt...

Gratitude to God for His intervention twice in 8 days for baby Frederick and sister J'Non - I know some may still look at the situation of Frederick's birth last week with concern or even disdain thinking that things should have been done differently. My response to that is frustration. I feel very passionately that focusing on possible negative outcomes, undermine's God's Awesome Power and Wisdom as the Creator of the whole birth process! To feel that it was just lucky that things turned out fine in the end is to me the biggest slap in God's face. We owe Him thanks and gratitude not doubt that He could bring his faithful ones through any situation, no matter the circumstances. It could have been that His will was for a tragedy to occur for some unseen reason that only He could know, but if that were truly His will then it didn't matter who was attending the birth or where it was happening. The point I really want to yell from the rooftop is that if we are faithful and obedient to Him then we don't have to doubt as others do. We should appreciate and relish those blessings of peace of mind that come with being obedient and faithful to God. Why suffer needlessly or cause others to suffer over "what ifs" and "should haves" when God was so clearly the One in charge not humans - neither mid-wife nor Doctor could have thwarted God's intentions for J'Non and baby. I do however believe that prayers can sometimes change God's mind based on the examples we read in the bible of that happening. We are very thankful that His will lined up with ours in this case, but sometimes it doesn't. Still we know that all things work for the ultimate good of His faithful and obedient little ones, so we don't have to be fearful. NOTHING happens to God's children apart from His Will. This is something I have learned by experience over the years since my baptism and especially since having children. We can't protect them from everything but we can do our best in obeying and trusting God and in return He will always be there for us even in the times when the answer is no and we do have tragedy occur. He never leaves us or forsakes us. Maybe I am just a "baby" spiritually compared to so many others but this is something that I know with all of my heart and pray that I will not lose sight of it as life marches on and difficult times come and go. I have taken away from my experiences and now those of my sweet sister that God is amazing and He is powerful and we can always trust that He has our ultimate best interest at heart - even in the hard times.

1 comment:

CheriLindy said...

I agree wholeheartedly! Very well-said. God definitely doesn't promise us that our lives will be without pain and suffering, but so many times we have felt his direct intervention on our behalf, and experienced His mercy. It's so incredibly encouraging to see God's blessings and mercy on those we love. But to assume that someone's trials are a direct result of their actions is a very old concept, and a frustrating one. Thanks for your post!