Monday, April 26, 2010

Strawberry Stevia Lemonade

So simple but so awesome - I could drink a whole pitcher myself. Sometimes Stevia can have an odd flavor if mixed with the wrong foods but with lemons it's the perfect marriage - so delicious and perfectly healthy! I don't measure precisely so these are approximate measurements - taste test to find your favorite ratios.


3-4 Large Lemons juiced (I use an electric citrus juicer)
3 Large Strawberries crushed (cut small into a cup and crushed with a fork so the juice is not lost)
2 Qts Water
2 tsp Liquid Stevia (taste as you add this in to find your preferred level of sweetness)
1/4 Cup of Grape Juice (Optional - adds a deeper pink color)

Hope you love this as much as I do - I added a strawberry to the rim of a glass pitcher for a special touch - so pretty!

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