Sunday, October 25, 2009

In Memorium: The Tiny Survivor in My Salad

I will say right up front that I have come a LONG way over the years in my ability to force mind over matter in certain things - but last eve I reached even a new level.     While preparing the family lunch for today's volleyball festivities in Fort Worth, I had a moment of pause over a little bug who clung to the bottom of one of the "pre-washed" organic lettuce leaves I would be using in our sandwiches...   Now take just a moment to picture it with me - really get inside my mind and body if you would.    I tossed a few leaves onto a sandwich and glimpsed something "foreign" - I picked up the leaf silently and cautiously peered at his little shiny, black sectioned body.   I'm not sure if he was truly a survivor or if he had passed on at some point in the refrigerator or during the "pre-washing" cycle at the lettuce factory.    I had a silent war with my brain/stomach (not for as long as you might think)... and then I just laid him to the side in a pile of refuse and quietly continued making the sandwiches, though checking both sides of each leaf after that.    In that few seconds of pause I had reasoned with my stomach that it would be completely ridiculous and irrational to throw out this whole box of organic greens for one (I'm going with one) bug... I considered the reality that there have surely been others who went undiscovered into my stomach over the years, I have survived.   I called to mind the words of my practical mother  "I'd rather have a bug than toxic poisons on my food"... this was said to me during my first year back in Oklahoma while gathering the turnip greens which were covered in fat little aphids - knowing full well that there was little chance that we could wash EVERY bug out of those greens.   I managed to overcome my queasiness after a period of time and could eat those turnip greens and even enjoy them.   Today we ate our sandwiches without a thought for that little bug who clung so valiantly to that lettuce leaf through who knows what horrors in the wash bin only to be refrigerated to dormancy or death.   At least he didn't go in my stomach....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Loving Your Littlest Slave Drivers

Having kids brings about new challenges in our lives, nobody would argue that.   The extent of the challenges are not possible to understand until you actually HAVE children (if we understood it - I'm pretty sure the human race would become extinct fairly quickly).   It can be exhausting at times but you continue to function long after you imagined you'd fall over.  This is true for all parents at one time or another but for the "thinkers" among us its particularly challenging to have little attention grabbers doing just that for so much of the time when we would normally be "thinking".   I have a definite emotional response to being deprived of the quantities of quiet time I need to think.  I don't just want it, I need it to stay sane.   Needless to say I am temporarily insane.  But lets not dwell on that.   Its funny once you become parents, you wonder how you so grossly underestimated the requirements for the job, yet you would never go back to the life of relative liesure in a million years.   There's no rational explanation for this - just a realization that God obviously built something very powerful into us creating an unbreakable bond with our little slave drivers, to love them and sacrifice everything for them, even our most prized posession, freedom.   Some people take offense to talking openly about the challenges of parenthood.  I agree its not good to dwell on them without proper focus on all there is to be greatful for in parenthood.   There are some harsh realities though and I think if admitted a little more often, fewer people would feel that they are alone in their struggle with parenthood.   When I first became a mom it was a serious struggle.   My close friends with new or young babies rarely talked about difficulties so I naturally assumed the problem was me - I thought I just wasn't good at being a mom and had made a mistake thinking I could be a stay at home mom.   There are many factors that make one new parent struggle harder than another so I believe its in all of our best interest to be compassionate and try to be supportive despite our natural tendency to think someone is just complaining.  A fussy or clingy baby can wear you down tremendously - add to that any health problems of your own and you're in a black hole. 

The way I see it, the degree of difficulty in any challenge directly corresponds to the richness of the reward, especially if you are depending on God to help you through.    Yes I aspire to find more time to think but we're still sleep deprived at our house and until we are past that phase there's just no chance I'm going to get up an hour before I have to in order to have quiet (though I have done this and the peacefulness is wonderful!).   So until then I will just have to embrace my insanity.

Best French Toast You Ever Had

Make a loaf of banana nut bread - any recipe (can be made days ahead or frozen months ahead)

French toast batter

3 C Milk (Dairy or almond/rice milk)
4-5 eggs beaten into the milk

Dip slices of banana bread into the egg/milk mixture and fry in butter until golden brown on both sides.

Serve with maple syrup or honey. OR - if you want to go crazy - sautee some bananas in brown sugar and butter and serve over french toast.... I'm making myself hungry. Its rainy and chilly today which usually puts me in the mood to bake!

New Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

This soup looks strikingly orange when its done because of the carrots but tastes really good, is super healthy and is easy to make. I like making soup but usually can't remember exactly what I put in from one batch to the next. Jay (who was sick at the time) commented that this was the best soup I'd ever made and Kate loved it also. I decided to write it down so I don't forget about it.


3 chicken chicken breasts (can be boneless, frozen, whatever you have)
4 medium carrots broken in half
1 onion cut in quarters
6 or more garlic cloves
3 Qts of water (approximately)
1 1/2 tsp salt (taste it after its cooked and add more if it needs it)

4 oz. dry Spaghetti Noodles(add later)

Fill soup pot with water (more if you want/need it) - put in all ingredients (except noodles) and bring to boil.
turn down to a simmer and cook until chicken is done and vegetables are tender.

Remove Chicken and use a stick blender to blend vegetables in the pot to a semi-smooth consistency. (If you don't have a stick blender dip out the vegetables with a little broth and process or blend them until fairly smooth and return to pot). Blending the vegetables into the cooking water creates a thickened flavorful broth that is extra special in soup and hard to get otherwise. Its also much cheaper and healthier than using bought broths or boullion granules for flavor.

Return to boil and add dry noodles (don't put too many - they will continue to absorb liquid later and you'll end up with goulash instead of soup.

Chop Chicken into bite size pieces and return to pot.

When noodles are done be sure to taste - add more salt if needed. Sorry no picture - I made this yesterday but not one drop is left - we ate it all!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

This 25 things list is a trend going around on Facebook - you share it with 25 people who you want to get to know better. I normally don't participate in chain type things but I've really enjoyed learning more about people who've sent me their lists. I thought since I took the time to write it I'd post it here also. Have a great week - Jennifer

1. I don't like retracing steps or taking unneccessary steps if at all avoidable (I love strategy which I believe is related).

2. One area of faith I sometimes worry will be tested is having my kids suffer and being unable to do anything to help them. Thankfully God has helped me with this and other anxieties that crop up from time to time.

3. After answering my calling from God the next most incredible blessing I've received is a better understanding of what it means to be a wife in the way that God intends. That answer arrived partly in the form of a book called "Created to be His Helpmeet" by Debbie Pearl (given to me by my sister not long after I had started praying for understanding). I've learned that becoming a Godly wife is a life long commitment and continual growth process requiring God's help - strikingly similar in a lot of respects to our spiritual growth process.

4. I often feel frustrated when I can't focus my full attention on a project - such as trying to finish a 25 things list while a little boy stands behind me putting hair in my face and wanting me to play a game :) I have come a long way though in the patience and multi-tasking department since having children...

5. I have a tendency to write too much because I don't want to be misunderstood... anyone reading this list or who has email communications with me may already realize this :)

6. I tend to be lacking in the chit chat department. I like to have time to gather my thoughts on a given subject and I also spend a lot of energy observing and processing information. I'd much prefer to write than speak my personal thoughts - but when it comes to business for whatever reason this is not the case at all... I am much more outgoing and confident in a business setting than a social one.

7. I miss my husband very much since he started commuting 2 hours to Dallas a few weeks ago for work - we went from having him work from home every day - to this.

8. I really enjoy baking.

9. The first time I met my husband (at barely 18) we joked about what we would one day name our kids, we have now been married for 11 1/2 years and he is the man I hoped for as a little girl plus more.

10. I sometimes have a hard time asking personal questions of people... for fear that they will think I'm prying or judging. This makes it difficult to really get to know people but I am getting bolder by the year! The ones who I consider my dearest friends have been persistent and open - I'm so grateful for them!

11. I am very loyal and commited to friends and loved ones when it counts but I sometimes lack the ability to tell people how I feel about them, I have been working on this for a few years.

12. Every year that has gone by since my baptism I find certain things more and more abrasive - gossip is near the top of the list, song lyrics, romance movies that paint relationships as fairytale situations which do not exist in real life. (I could and maybe will write about this in my blog - frankly, I think this is one more tool Satan uses to prevent contentedness in marriage)

13. I'm not easily offended and almost always give people the benefit of the doubt. I have however, been offended before and I've learned that forgiveness is not always a one time thing - it can sometimes keep cropping up requiring continued prayer for help (especially when the offending person is slow to change). In praying for God to help me forgive someone once for a serious and hurtful offense - I was shown that I had said something about someone that didn't seem a big deal at all to me at the time. I realized then that unless there is a good and fruitful purpose in talking about someone - then there's no excuse for talking about them at all - even about seemingly minor things.

14. I'm learning that honoring our parents is not a commandment just for kids living at home. It can actually be much more difficult as an adult to honor our parents. I think this has deep meaning for us as our parents age and we are put in the position of covering their shortcomings and/or providing them with a dignified last stage in their lives. Its something I've been learning and growing in with God's help for the last few years (in a boot camp sort of way).

15. I have a "utilitarian" personality... according to an extensive evaluation as part of an effort by a software company to understand their employees. This means I'm a nuts and bolts kind of person, no frills really. I don't enjoy spending time or money on something fleeting like a pedicure or luxury hotel but I do enjoy owning quality items that will last (but not at full price these days!). Money has never been a very effective motivator for me but satisfaction from achievement has always been.

16. I became successful in business at a very early age. I've traveled to most major cities in our country and some in Canada, mostly for business. I see myself one day returning to some form of professional position that will not interfere with those things that I've come to believe are the most important in life.

17. I am making strides to clear out the bad stuff from my family's diet. I used to be good at this but have fallen off the wagon the last couple of years... living far away from any decent grocery stores have almost gotten me down - but I am back on the wagon! More raw food and juice! (at the time of publication my child is consuming a chicken strip from chicken express...sigh)

18. I love playing competitive sports. Playing volleyball with our adult teams for church has brought out that old competitive fire again - its been so much fun getting to know people on a different level! Next year I hope to play basketball as well.

19. I have no idea where we will be living in 6 months and I'm trying to be relaxed about that.

20. I don't let myself get down about world affairs because I know that God has a plan and certain things have to play out before His Kingdom will come. When I start to feel anxious about things to come I ask God for relief and He always provides it. He's proven through trials that He won't leave our sides during difficult times - I find a lot of comfort in hope in this.

21. I love Piano - tinkered on my grandpa's piano for many childhood years and took lessons briefly as a teenager. I hope to one day learn enough to play for enjoyment. I'm picking up bits from my daughter's piano classes.

22. I prefer symetry and soothing colors.

23. I enjoy houseplants and landscaping but dislike washing dishes and ironing...

24. I am happiest and most successful when I can set my own goals and paths to achieve them.

25. I would love to have more time to write and to one day find a professional outlet for it.