Saturday, August 9, 2008

Temptations: Customized To Your Special Weaknesses

Its so easy to think of temptations in broad terms. For instance we could easily determine right from wrong in terms of lusting after someone Else's spouse. But what about breaking the Sabbath or dishonoring our parent(s). The nuances can be almost infinite and how we continue to overcome our weaknesses with regard to each commandment from God can make the difference between getting stuck in a rut or continuing to grow. I've felt completely overwhelmed at times, wondering how I can be worth anything to God if I can't even conquer the basics. Lets consider honoring our father and mother. Frankly I never gave it much thought after moving away from home. I always assumed it was intended mainly for children living under their parents' roof. I have come to believe that this is absolutely not true. It can be so trying as an adult to honor your parents - you are now an independent person with a family and plenty of responsibilities. But God doesn't say to "Honor your parents if they.... [enter your wish list here]" They could be the most overbearing tyrants in the world for all it matters and we are still not relieved of our duty before God to honor them. Same thing in marriage - the wife is to honor her husband - not "if he deserves it". We have responsibilities before God and we must fulfill them if we want to honor Him - there's no way around it. I'm glad that Christ didn't wait to come down until mankind "deserved" His sacrifice!
Its funny, the word "temptation" makes me first think of a few broad categories probably because they are plastered all over pop culture. But Satan knows us very well - he knows the responsibilities we have before God. He knows each of our weaknesses much better than we know them ourselves and he wants more than anything to bring dishonor to God through our disobedience. The only way to defeat him is by staying close to God. If we do that one thing then the rest of our lives fall into place naturally and our needs will be cared for no matter what they are. The scriptures that say not to worry - can only make sense to someone who stays close to God and trusts Him. The comfort that comes from God's presence is not something you can describe to someone who hasn't experienced it. But its the only thing that will get us through those otherwise unbearable trials some of the worst maybe yet to happen. He works in such unexpected ways - caring for us so attentively. I've never stopped being surprised at the intricate ways He's intervened - maybe that's a sign of my still young faith. Maybe when I'm 80 I won't be so surprised :)

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