Tuesday, June 24, 2008

No Heroics Here...

A comment on the last post made me think about the reality that the 3 prominent causes I am currently focused on (becoming a good wife, raising children, caring for parents) are truly the most critically important challenges I may ever face (aside from spiritual growth which goes without saying). Each cause is so extremely complex and yet I feel as if there is not nearly enough time to process, analyze or exact anything resembling strategic heroism. And even if there are a few heroics here and there.... who's going to send out the company wide report with your celebrated achievements for the quarter? Maybe I'll teach the 5 year old to use power point. Sure there are things I learned in business that help me in my life today but not many. Its a whole new world and though strategy is critical in the big picture - the day to day requires almost constant thinking on ones feet, choosing battles to win wars, being the bigger person (the hardest and probably most effective of all!), making sure your loved ones feel loved and appreciated. Call me insensitive but I never worried extensively about what Bob at the office felt like after a professional disagreement... Emotion-free zone - do what you need to do and people leave you alone - oh how I took it for granted! I am of course exaggerating to make a point - my work was pretty high pressure but of such a different sort! The pressure has changed from needing to achieve for mostly selfish reasons back then to keeping dependant human beings alive, healthy and emotionally stable 24 hours a day... a little different type of pressure... but the rewards are so much greater than any company wide report.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy Sabbath

Today is another Sabbath day for those Christians who observe it. There were some years where I lost sight of my beliefs and as a direct result lost sight of the purpose to life. Why are we here? If its to make more money to have more stuff and impress more people and be more comfortable (supposedly) then why aren't the poor people through evolution, dying out? Pardon my sarcasm please. I am grateful to have come to realize the error in my path to "success" and as a result have found deep peace, meaning and happiness in life. And for the record I'm not sitting around doing yoga and singing kumbaya... far from it - I'm in the trenches of motherhood and caring for elder parents while trying to learn what being a good wife really means. The life changing commitment to these three very important causes can be overwhelming and exhausting at times. But beyond that, believe it or not - there is deep happiness, gratitude and peace. I have all I ever wanted and more and it came in the most unexpected way. More later... after all I am a mother - things to do, people to feed!